Life Through My Lens 365 – Week 1

Life Through My Lens 365 – Week 1

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Life Through My Lens 365 – Week 1 – A New Year

Welcome to the first week of Life Through My Lens 365 – Week 1! This photography project aims to capture the beauty and moments of everyday life. I hope you’ll join me in this photo journaling project. I’m excited to see what the year brings!

Life Through My Lens 365 - Week 1

Monday, January 1 – Celebrate | New Year | New Day

1/365 – Today is the beginning of a new year! How do you celebrate? Do you spend time with friends? Enjoy a quiet walk? Pick up a good book or movie and have a cozy day at home? Or maybe you spend the day recovering from a night of festivities? Do you reflect on the past year and contemplate your goals for 2024?

One of my goals for 2024 is to celebrate Life Through My Lens by taking a photo every day.

Tuesday, January 2 – One Little Word | Inspiring | Purpose

2/365 – Every year, I choose a word to “live” with for the year. I first came across this concept from Ali Edwards’ “One Little Word” project several years ago, and I’ve been participating in the project ever since. Some years, I take Ali’s class, while other years, I simply keep my word in my thoughts.

This year, I have chosen the word Open.

Life Through My Lens 365 - Week

Wednesday, January 3 – Reflect | Ponder | Contemplate

3/365 – In today’s fast-paced world, finding moments of reflection can be a precious gift. The hustle and bustle of everyday life often leaves us little time to pause and truly delve into our thoughts and emotions.

But when we do find those moments, whether it’s sitting in a serene natural setting or simply gazing out of a window, the power of reflection becomes evident. It allows us to unravel our innermost feelings, question our beliefs, and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Take a moment. Reflect. Ponder. Contemplate.

Thursday, January 4 – Hibernating | Dormant | Slumbering

4/365 – In the midst of winter, nature enters a state of hibernation, dormancy, and slumber. The world becomes still, as if taking a much-needed rest. It is a time of quiet reflection and replenishment.

As we observe the dormant landscapes and slumbering creatures, we are reminded of the importance of rest and rejuvenation. Just like nature, we too need periods of rest to recharge and restore our energy.

Life Through My Lens 365 - Week
Life Through My Lens 365 - Week

Friday, January 5 – Passion | Love | Zeal

5-365 – Let your emotions run wild and capture the essence of passion, love, or zeal in a single photograph. Whether it’s a fiery sunset, an intimate moment between loved ones, or a burst of enthusiasm in someone’s eyes, find a way to convey the intensity and fervor of these powerful emotions.

Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words, so make sure your photograph speaks volumes about passion, love, or zeal. Get creative, experiment with different angles and lighting, and let your artistic vision shine through.

Saturday, January 6 – Blue | Sapphire | Sky

6/365 – Immerse yourself in the mesmerizing world of blue, sapphire, and sky. Whether you’re drawn to the calming hues of the ocean, the brilliance of a sapphire gem, or the vastness of the sky, this prompt is your chance to capture the beauty and essence of these captivating elements in your photographs.

Remember, photography is not just about capturing the moment, but also about evoking emotions and telling stories. So, let your imagination run wild and surprise us with your creative interpretation of this theme.

Sunday, January 7 – Relax | Laid Back | Rest

7/365 – In today’s fast-paced world, finding moments to relax, be laid back, or simply rest is essential for our well-being. Whether it’s taking a break from work, enjoying a peaceful afternoon, or finding solace in a favorite hobby, embracing these moments can bring a sense of calm and rejuvenation.

In this photo prompt, we invite you to capture and share your interpretation of relaxation, laid-back vibes, or the art of rest. It could be a serene landscape, a cozy reading nook, or even a simple cup of tea enjoyed in tranquility. Let your creativity flow and showcase the beauty of these moments.

Life Through My Lens 365 is an incredible project that allows us to capture and appreciate the beauty of everyday life. Through photography, we can immortalize special moments, evoke emotions, and tell stories that resonate with others. Whether it’s celebrating the start of a new year, reflecting on our thoughts, or capturing the essence of passion and love, this project encourages us to embrace our creativity and find inspiration in the world around us.

I hope you join me on this journey of Life Through My Lens 365 and share your amazing photographs. Remember, each photo has the power to capture a unique perspective and make a lasting impact. So grab your camera, follow the prompts, and let your life shine through your lens!

Stay tuned for next week’s prompts and let’s continue to explore the beauty of life through photography.

I’d love to see how you document these prompts. Please drop a comment below along with your photos and let me know what you think!

Happy shooting!

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