Life Through My Lens 365 – Week 3

Life Through My Lens 365 – Week 3

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Life Through My Lens 365 – Week 3 – Composition!

Welcome to Week 3 of Life Through My Lens 365! Are you ready to improve your photography skills and unleash your creativity? Look no further! Life Through My Lens 365 provides a variety of inspiring prompts to guide your daily photographic journey. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced photographer, these prompts will help you view the world from a fresh perspective. This week, our focus is Composition.

Let’s Do This!

Life Through My Lens 365 - Week 3

Monday, January 15, 2024 – Rule of Thirds | Gift | Keepsake

The Rule of Thirds is a really cool composition technique that divides the frame into a 3×3 grid. By placing your subject along these gridlines or at their intersections, you can draw the viewers’ eye right to the subject, creating a super eye-pleasing photo. It’s such a simple yet powerful trick!

Tuesday, January 16, 2024 – Symmetry | Equal | Balanced

Symmetry can bring a delightful sense of harmony and balance to your photos. Keep an eye out for scenes or subjects that exhibit a natural or man-made symmetry, like captivating reflections or stunning architectural structures, and skillfully capture them within the frame of your camera. What symmetry do you see in your day?

Life Through My Lens 365 - Week 3
Life Through My Lens 365 - Week 3

Wednesday, January 17, 2024 – Leading Lines | Fence | Tree Line

A cool compositional technique is called leading lines. It’s a way to use lines in your image to guide the viewer’s gaze towards the main subject or point of interest. Today we’re focusing on leading lines created by a fence or a tree line. So, as you go about your day, keep an eye out for those lines! They can add a lot of visual interest to your photos. Enjoy capturing the beauty around you!

Thursday, January 18, 2024 – Negative Space | Tree | Structure

Negative space, also known as empty or unoccupied areas, plays an important role in design. By purposefully incorporating empty space, you can effectively highlight the main subject and achieve a minimalist and impactful composition. What do you notice in your daily life that is enhanced by negative space?

Life Through My Lens 365 - Week 3

Friday, January 19, 2024 – Fill the Frame | Full | Close Up

Getting close and filling the frame with your subject can really create a powerful and intimate image. Why not give it a try and experiment with different focal lengths or maybe just physically move closer to your subject? This way, you’ll be able to capture all those amazing details and emotions in a way that truly grabs people’s attention. So go ahead, find something you absolutely love and fill your frame with it! Happy capturing!

Saturday, January 20, 2024 – Repeating Pattern | Shapes | Line

Patterns and repetition are everywhere and they really catch our eye. When you capture them in your photos, it can result in visually stunning images. Take a look at the repetitive shapes, colors, or textures that you encounter in your daily surroundings and try to compose your shot in a way that highlights the pattern. It could be something as simple as a row of windows or a field full of flowers.

Sunday, January 21, 2024 – From Above | Flat Lay | Cooking or Baking

Change your perspective and capture unique views by taking photographs from above. Whether it’s food, nature, or everyday objects, shooting from a higher vantage point can offer a fresh and interesting perspective on your subjects. Can you think of something you do every day that tells a story and can be photographed from above?

Remember, Life Through My Lens 365 – Week 3 prompts are meant to inspire you and spark your creativity. Feel free to interpret them in your own unique way and make them your own.

I invite you to join me on this journey and share your incredible photographs. Each photo has the power to capture a unique perspective and make a lasting impact. So grab your camera, follow the prompts, and let your life shine through your lens!

Stay tuned for next week’s prompts as we continue to document and explore the beauty of life through photos!

I’d love to see how you document these prompts. Please drop a comment below along with your photos and let me know what you think!

Happy shooting!

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