Life Through My Lens 365 – Week 2

Life Through My Lens 365 – Week 2

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Life Through My Lens 365 – Week 2 – All About Me!

Welcome to Life Through My Lens 365 – Week 2! This photography project aims to help us stop and capture the moments of everyday life. This week the prompts focus on telling stories about ourselves.

Life Through My Lens 365

Monday, January 8 – Morning Ritual | Routine | Daily

Capture something that’s a part of your morning routine. Making a cup of coffee or tea, putting your makeup on, doing your hair or tying your shoes. Every morning I make myself a cup of hot tea and sit in the living room with my pup Tigger. My baby boy loves snuggling up against me while I relax and enjoy my tea.

Tuesday, January 9 – Where I Stand | Surroundings | Weather

Capture a photo of the place where you are standing right now. What type of shoes are you wearing for the weather? Are you wearing boots for cold or wet weather or sandals on the beach?

Life Through My Lens 365
Life Through My Lens 365

Wednesday, January 10 – Cook | Bake | Eat

What do you enjoy cooking? Baking? Eating? Or do you like to do all three? What is your favorite dish that you crave when you are in need of some comfort food?

Thursday, January 11 – Comfort Zone | Recharge | Relax

Where is your comfort zone? Where do you relax and recharge? Is it your home? A coffee shop? The movie theater or library? Maybe it’s a cozy spot in your home. Wherever it may be, where do you go to take a deep breath?

Friday, January 12 – Self Portrait | Real | Usual

Today, we step in front of the camera instead of behind it. Share the story of the “real” you. How do you present yourself on a daily basis? Do you dress up for work or do you work from home in comfortable clothes with no makeup? Take this opportunity to celebrate yourself!

Saturday, January 13 – Weekend | Activities | Time Spent

How do you typically spend your weekend day? Do you take care of chores and errands? Engage in sports or other activities? Or do you manage to find time for some fun? Show us how you spend a weekend day.

Sunday, January 14 – Currently Loving | Reading | Watching

What are you currently loving right now? Is there a snack you can’t get enough of? Are you a gamer and loving a great game? What are you currently reading or watching? Is there a song that you just want to listen to over and over? What are you currently loving right now?!

Take this week to celebrate the amazing person that you are. Share your story!

I invite you to join me on this journey and share your incredible photographs. Each photo has the power to capture a unique perspective and make a lasting impact. So grab your camera, follow the prompts, and let your life shine through your lens!

Stay tuned for next week’s prompts as we continue to document and explore the beauty of life through photos!

I’d love to see how you document these prompts. Please drop a comment below along with your photos and let me know what you think!

Happy shooting!

Thank you for visiting with me at
Down Home at Dee’s

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