Life Through My Lens 365 – Week 4

Life Through My Lens 365 – Week 4

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Life Through My Lens 365 – Week 4 – Technique

Welcome to Week 4 of Life Through My Lens 365! Are you ready to improve your photography skills and unleash your creativity? Look no further! Life Through My Lens 365 provides a variety of inspiring prompts to guide your daily photographic journey. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced photographer, these prompts will help you view the world from a fresh perspective. This week, our focus is Technique.

Let’s Do This!!

Life Through My Lens - Week 4

Monday, January 22, 2024 – Uncluttered | Alone | Blurred

To draw attention to your subject, ensure the background is uncluttered. If you’re in a busy location and this isn’t possible, decrease the aperture to its lowest setting. This way, the background becomes blurred, keeping your subject in sharp focus.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024 – Just a Part | Larger Than | Up Close

Macro Photography is the practice of extreme close-up photography. In this type of photography details appear larger than they are in reality.

Life Through My Lens - Week 4

Tips for Shooting –

  • Be patient.
  • Avoid harsh lighting.
  • Use a smaller aperture (f8-f11) for sharper images.
  • Get as close to the subject as possible.
  • Keep your hand steady or use a tripod.
  • Experiment with a shallow depth of field for creative effects.

If You Don’t Have a Macro Lens –

  • Zoom in on your subject.
  • Crop your photo closely.
  • Use your camera’s macro or super zoom mode.
Life Through My Lens - Week 4

Wednesday, January 24, 2024 – Backlight | Sidelight | Frost

Backlight or Sidelight is an excellent technique for enhancing photographs.

  • Backlight – Place the subject you are photographing between yourself and the light to capture beautiful radiant light.
  • Sidelight – Position your subject so that the light source (like the sun or a lamp) is to the side of them, rather than directly in front or behind.
  • Ensure to focus and expose the main subject of your photo properly.
  • In Lightroom or any other editing app, you can increase the clarity to make the subject stand out more, and adjust the shadows to help correct underexposure.

Thursday, January 25, 2024 – Learning | Start | Practice

Practicing photography implies picking up our cameras daily and shooting with purpose. Be intentional. However, this doesn’t mean that we’ll capture a great photo every day.

As you embark on this journey of a photo a day, please consider the following:

  • Use your camera daily; experience is the best teacher.
  • Some days, your inspiration and technique will sync, resulting in fabulous photos. Cherish them.
  • On other days, when your creativity is lacking or the required skill to take the image you want seems elusive, shoot anyway.

Friday, January 26, 2024 – Two | Compare | Side by Side

Take a photo with two subjects that tells a story. This is Rosie and me. Rosie was my long time companion. Where I was, so was she. I lost her last October and I still feel the loss but looking at this photo brings me the joy of remembering all of the fun and adventures her and I had together.

Saturday, January 27, 2024 – Tones | Grayscale | Impact

Using black and white can add drama to a photo. To see the difference, first take a photo of the subject in color. Then, take another photo using the black and white setting on your camera. Utilize negative space to make the subject stand out or “pop”.

Sunday, January 28, 2024 – Behind the Scenes | Reality | Unnoticed

Behind-the-scenes photography provides a unique glimpse into the reality that often goes unnoticed. This prompt encourages you to capture the raw, unfiltered moments that occur in the background. Whether it’s a candid shot of a chef meticulously plating a dish, an artist lost in the process of creation, or an unposed, authentic family moment at home, these photographs reveal the true essence of the subject. Remember, the aim is not to stage a perfect picture, but to document the authenticity and hard work that’s usually hidden from view.

Remember, Life Through My Lens 365 – Week 4 prompts are meant to inspire you and spark your creativity. Feel free to interpret them in your own unique way and make them your own.

I invite you to join me on this journey and share your incredible photographs. Each photo has the power to capture a unique perspective and make a lasting impact. So grab your camera, follow the prompts, and let your life shine through your lens!

Stay tuned for next week’s prompts as we continue to document and explore the beauty of life through photos!

I’d love to see how you document these prompts. Please drop a comment below along with your photos and let me know what you think!

Happy shooting!

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