One Little Word – January

One Little Word – January

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My One Little Word – January “lesson” is done! January is the month to think about and decide how your chosen word will fit into your life. This is the month to explore your word and invite it into your heart.

What is One Little Word?

One Little Word - January

For those unfamiliar, Ali Edward’s One Little Word is a year-long project for self-improvement. Instead of making New Year’s resolutions, you select a single word to focus on throughout the year. This word guides you, helping shape your intentions for the upcoming days, weeks, and months.

One Little Word – January

One Little Word - January

This year, I decided to participate and the word I chose is “Open”.

One Little Word - January

I picked this word because I want to be open to new adventures, life experiences, and personal growth. This applies to learning new skills, improving my well-being, deepening relationships, and more. I’ve isolated myself from life’s experiences in an effort to avoid getting hurt again. I now want to embrace the journey of being open to growth, change and finding love.

My “Reason Why”

My “Reason Why” is I want 2024 to be different. I want it to be filled with adventures, hope, possibilities and love. I have to OPEN myself up to make my life what I want it to be!


I found a couple quotes that hit home with me. They said exactly why I chose my word!

“Be open to whatever comes next” Lisa Nichols and “Open your heart to new adventure” Unknown.


The word open has a several meanings but the two that stood out to me were

  • freely available or accessible; offered without restriction
  • allowing access; not closed or blocked up

Building My Life

My “Story” for January is Tigger and I ventured out and did two short hikes. Our first was to Sherando Park and the second was to the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley. We are both working on being brave and stepping outside our comfort zone!

Letting Go & Inviting In

What are some of the things I need to let go of? Fear of being hurt; the past; disappointment and ties to unhealthy situations and people.

What are some of the things I want to invite into my life? Finding love; new ideas; new adventures; forgiveness and love of life.

In the year ahead I want to try to keep myself open to possibilities and to not be resigned because of how hurt and broken I feel. I want more love, adventures, curiosity, healing and fun. I want less resignation and being closed off emotionally.

My intentions for 2024 are simple –

  • take care of myself phycially
  • open my heart to love
  • cultivate a spirt of gratefulness
  • focus on what enhances my life
  • express myself through my love of creating

If the concept of living with a word resonates with you and you’re interested in joining me on this journey, I highly recommend Ali Edward’s One Little Word class. This class offers monthly lessons and exercises designed to help you connect deeply with your chosen word and guide you throughout the year. I’m excited to see where this journey takes me and look forward to sharing my experiences and insights with you all. Here’s to a year of personal growth and embracing change!

I’d love to hear what your word for 2024 is! Drop me a note in the comments below.

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Down Home at Dee’s

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