“Showing Up” for 2024!

“Showing Up” for 2024!

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Showing Up – As we approach the end of 2023, my mind shifts towards the beginning of a new year. The past six months of 2023 have been quite challenging.


During the summer, my beautiful girl Rosie started showing signs of lethargy and lack of energy. She had a decreased appetite and was drinking more water than usual. Concerned, I took Rosie to the vet and she was diagnosed with low thyroid and Cushing’s disease. I started her on medication, which showed some improvement initially, but unfortunately, it didn’t last long.

By mid-September, Rosie’s health started deteriorating further. Sadly, I lost her at the end of October. Not a day goes by without thinking about her. I miss her dearly.

Showing Up

Coping With Loss

Since losing her, I have been trying to stay occupied every day. I was given the opportunity to participate as a vendor in a craft fair, the 14th Annual Shenandoah Uncorked held at Shenandoah Caverns. I immersed myself in creating various items to showcase at the fair. I decided to “reopen” my small business that I had started a few years ago and attended the craft fair under the name “The Country Girl’s Store”.

The silver lining in the cloud is that I found my items to be very popular and the craft fair was a success. As a result, I continued making items and participated in two more fairs, both of which were equally successful. I plan to continue participating in craft fairs and working on building my on-line business The Country Girl’s Store.

I’m coming to terms with the fact that my beloved Rosie is no longer with me. She made my life so much better for a decade. I may have “rescued” her, but in reality, she rescued me. I felt lost without her. She was my constant companion, accompanying me wherever I went and participating in everything I did. She was my source of comfort. However, I believe that she is still with me in spirit.

A Big Change

Initially, I had no plans of getting another dog. The pain of losing Rosie is still fresh. However, life had other plans, and baby boy Tango entered my life. He is full of energy and keeps me on my toes. Tango is exactly what I needed!

Now, I wonder what the year 2024 has in store for me.

The beginning of a new year always brings about new resolutions. In 2024, I hope for 12 months filled with success, 52 weeks filled with laughter, 366 days filled with fun, 8,784 hours filled with joy, 527,040 minutes filled with good luck, and 31,622,400 seconds filled with happiness.

Showing Up!

Like everyone else, I have the typical goals related to diet, fitness, hobbies, personal growth, relationships with family and friends, organization, and scheduling.


When it comes to my diet, I try to eat healthily. However, my biggest challenge is remembering to eat regularly. Ever since Rosie got sick, my appetite has been almost non-existent. Even before I lost her, my eating habits weren’t the best. During the week, I usually do well, but on my days off, I get caught up in other activities and forget to eat. When I do remember, I often end up throwing together a half of a peanut butter sandwich. While a peanut butter sandwich isn’t unhealthy, relying on it as my only meal of the day is an issue. In 2024, I want to create a habit of consistently eating nutritious food.


Of course, I always have fitness goals in mind. Although I stay busy and am not out of shape, I also feel that I’m not at my fittest. My goal is to work out twice a week to improve my cardio and flexibility. Additionally, I want to spend more time walking and hiking, aiming to cover a distance of 2,000 miles this year. To help me achieve this, I’ve signed up for the 52 Hike Challenge. What I love about this challenge is its flexibility. If life happens and I’m unable to walk or hike for a week, it’s not a big deal. I can make up for it later by doing two hikes in a week. I’m hoping that engaging in regular physical activity will not only help me manage my ADHD and sleeping difficulties but also help burn off some of the energy that baby boy Tango has!

Relationships (friends & family)

Due to life difficulties and my severe ADHD, my relationship with my family has suffered. However, my relationships with friends haven’t been as severely impacted. My goal for this year is to reach out to my family on a regular basis. I want to be more consistent in staying connected with both family and friends. Unfortunately, my relationship with my son and daughter is almost non-existent. I want to make an effort to repair that, but I also understand that I can’t make it happen by myself. They will need to meet me halfway. If our relationships don’t improve, at least I will know that I tried. Since most of my friends don’t live close to me, I’m planning to make regular trips to visit them. These visits will also serve as mini-adventures.

Organization / Schedule / Household

I believe that very few people start the New Year without a goal to become more organized, and I’m no different. However, due to my severe ADHD, organization is particularly challenging for me. I really, really want to get my house, my time, and my life more organized. The past year was a bit chaotic, especially the second half. I want to start by organizing my basement, establishing a regular schedule for household chores, and getting myself on a consistent routine. Having a regular schedule is crucial for me to manage my ADHD. Schedules help me stay focused, reduce stress, and alleviate anxiety. I’m considering trying a block schedule, as I’ve heard many success stories about it.


One of my goals for this year is to enjoy living within my means. This means that I want to pay off my loan and credit card debt. Starting with my first paycheck in January, I am switching to a “cash-only” budget. I won’t be using credit cards anymore. It’s not that I have many or use them frequently, but I want to pay off what I owe. My goal is to begin the process of purchasing property. And add additional income with side hustles.


For the past several years, I’ve chosen a word to guide me throughout the year. This idea comes from Ali Edward’s One Little Word. This year, my word is “Open.” I want to be open to new ideas, new adventures, and new experiences. I want to have an open mind and an open heart.


Sewing: I used to sew regularly, but in the last 10 years or so, it’s been sporadic. However, when I do sew, I thoroughly enjoy the process and love the results. I want to get back into the habit of sewing regularly, so I joined the 52 Week Sewing Challenge 2024 Facebook group. They provide a list of projects for every week, and I can either follow the 2024 Challenge or choose to sew something different. I’m excited to get started, and I’ve already selected several potential projects for the challenges.

Photography: I have a passion for taking photos and capturing moments in life. Several years ago, I signed up for photography classes and challenges with A Year With My Camera. I started the classes and weekly challenges, but life happened, and I had to quit. Now, I want to retake the classes and resume doing the challenges. I may take part in the 52 Frames photo challenge but I’ve not decided yet. I’m also planning to participate in the daily prompt challenge called Life Through My Lens 365. I’m really excited to take part in this challenge!

Project Life: Project Life was created by Becky Higgins and involves documenting life through photos. The original concept was to document life weekly with one photo per day, but it has evolved to allow for more flexibility in documenting life in any way one prefers – weekly, monthly, for special events or adventures. I’ve started several years of Project Life, but I’ve never completed a full year. This year, my goal is to document monthly, and I’m determined to complete the entire year! You can read more about my Project Life 2024 journey.

Showing Up for 2024!

As we approach the end of 2023 and look ahead to the new year, it’s important to reflect on both the challenges we’ve faced and the opportunities that lie ahead.

As we embark on this new year, let us remember that it holds endless possibilities. With determination, resilience, and a positive mindset, we can make the most of 2024, embracing each moment and finding joy in the little things.

So, let’s step into the new year with hope and excitement, ready to embrace all that 2024 has in store for us. Cheers to a year filled with growth, adventure, and new beginnings!

Feel free to drop a comment and share your goals and plans for 2024. I’m really excited to hear what you’ve got in store!

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